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Early benchmark from a new JavaScript bundler. It transpiles JSX files: - 3x faster than esbuild - 94x faster than swc - 197x faster than babel

It’s based on esbuild’s source, but written in Zig. Zig is an LLVM frontend (like Rust) with manual memory management. The bundler does fewer memory allocations and moves some work to compile-time, but overall is very similar to esbuild. (esbuild is incredibly well-documented)

The focus is on increasing JavaScript/TypeScript developer velocity and WASM performance. The focus is not e.g. minifying or bundling for production.

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@jarredsumner This sounds like amazing progress. I thought esbuild was already close to peak performance. Looking forwards to Esdev Inc. Let me know when you're ready for some seed capital 😉

@robpalmer2 @jarredsumner I think esbuild is probably within 5x of peak, but it’s definitely not peak. It’s pretty much a standard JS parser without many tricks, and uses GC. I'm guessing (and hoping!) that esbuild’s speed will be eclipsed by another production-ready bundler either this year or next.